Custom Workplace Solutions
Whatever your training, facilitation, or speaking needs, let me help your organization find clarity and a renewed sense of direction and purpose. I can adapt virtually everything I do to match your specific situation:
Custom training
Strategic planning/facilitation
Workplace culture assessments
Experiential team-building
Tactical Workplace Change
Creating and sustaining a high-performing culture should be a high priority for every leader and is something that has to be engineered through intentional action. Some of the signs this engineering might need to happen include:
You have talented employees but lack alignment and people aren’t pulling in the same direction
Your culture is characterized by discouragement and disengagement
You’re not retaining your best employees and those with high potential
There is a lack of trust between leaders or departments and tolerance for toxic behavior
Your change efforts tend to struggle or fail to achieve their intended purpose
There is a disconnect between your company’s stated values and the current culture
Having an objective perspective is crucial to understanding, assessing, and addressing the systemic issues that are keeping your culture from supporting the success of your organization. This is where an outside voice can help.
Reorient, Refocus, Renew: Making Organizations Better
I begin my work with you by getting to know you, your situation, your challenges, and what success means to you. From there we develop a plan to get from where you are, to where you want to be. The goal is to transform your culture, increase your productivity, enhance your professionalism and do this by working within your workplace context. I draw from broad experience working with a wide range of organizations—large, small public, and private—and can utilize various tools and formats to address your needs.
From half-day, custom-built seminars that address a specific area of skill development to a multi-day, comprehensive training series designed to retool your entire leadership culture.
From intensive one-on-one coaching to large-group keynote addresses.
From working with your organization’s executive leadership team to its front-line, non-manager employees.
I’m technology fluent and can adapt most solutions to a remote workforce.
Let’s have a conversation about how to improve the
productivity and professionalism of your organization
Are you too close?
Organizations are complex and leaders are often challenged with understanding why things are the way they are. Do you know the difference between symptoms and root causes? Between what’s truly important versus what simply feels urgent? These things can be hard to see when you’re in the day-to-day fight to succeed.
I help you create a sense of “depth-perception” with your organization, which allows you to see what’s truly important for the kind of change you need. I provide you with an objective and unbiased point of view and help you keep your eyes on the forest, even when each of the trees is demanding your immediate attention.
Are you too busy?
Renovating a freeway interchange would be simple if you could just stop all traffic for a few weeks. Driving change in your organization presents the same challenge; if you could just set aside everything else you normally do and focus only on the points of change, things would be much easier. Do your change efforts get lost—and then forgotten—in the ongoing rush of getting work done?
I partner with you to help guide the change process. I help you avoid obstacles and keep track of what’s important. We plan and prepare for important conversations and meetings and I help you manage your communications. All this frees up your mental space so you can keep the traffic in your world moving and still see your organization take steps towards improvement.
It’s a delicate balance
No doubt you understand the challenging task of creating a positive, supportive environment AND one that strives for excellence in every way. It’s easy to feel like these are at odds with each other and that you might get one, but not both. Keeping relationships positive and establishing clear expectations is a common leadership challenge and yet this is precisely what your best employees want.
I help you engineer work environments that score high in professionalism and productivity; ones that attract top talent, retain that talent, and inspire high employee engagement at every level.
“We brought Lee in to help us work through some important organizational changes my division needed to make. He connected well with my staff and through our conversations was able to identify several key issues that we needed to address for these changes to happen smoothly.”